Firmware/Software Links


Latest Firmwares

Use the dropdown menu at the top-right to ensure that you are using the latest version of this documentation. (v2.0)

Pixymon Software Files:
Windows: pixymon_windows.exe
Mac: pixyMon_mac.dmg
Description: This software is used to view the detection feed from the IR-LOCK Sensor, and upload firmware. Use the software installation files provided above.
Pixymon installation instructions link.


IR-LOCK Sensor Firmware: (.hex file)


Sensor not detected by Pixymon

If you are having troubles with the sensor not being detected by Pixymon, you may need newer drivers. A quick way to get the latest drivers installed is to install the latest version of Pixymon (link). However, after installing the latest version of Pixymon, you will need to switch back to the version provided by IR-LOCK (link) for Precision Landing.


ArduCopter Firmware

Precision Landing is a default feature included in ArduCopter versions 3.4+

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